The popular anime series Overlord is taking its story to the big screen this fall. The Sacred Kingdom, the first Overlord movie to show in theaters worldwide, will bring an epic battle featured in the fantasy light novels.
The film will premiere in Japanese theaters on September 20. A few weeks later on November 8, moviegoers in North America can see it too. This marks a milestone as earlier Overlord films were only released on streaming services. Sony Pictures, which owns Crunchyroll, plans to show The Sacred Kingdom in IMAX and other large formats. Viewers can choose between an English dub or subtitles.
The Sacred Kingdom will cover a major story arc that advanced the franchise’s overarching plot. Known as the “Holy Kingdom” arc, this film picks up after season four of the anime television show. It focuses on the once-prosperous Sacred Kingdom facing a new threat. The story sees neighboring nations reluctantly team up against the invading demon emperor despite past conflicts.
Naoyuki Ito, the anime series’ director, is back to helm the film. Esteemed Japanese studio Madhouse, known for high-quality productions, brings the story to life. With its built-in fanbase and new canonical content, The Sacred Kingdom looks to make an impactful theater debut this fall. Viewers can stream the first four Overlord seasons on Crunchyroll to catch up on the story leading into the new film.