Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was honored at Switzerland’s Locarno International Film Festival last week. Khan received the Pardo Alla Carriera award for his contributions to global cinema over several decades. Around 8,000 people gathered in the town’s historic Piazza Grande to see Khan accept the prestigious award.
At a masterclass event, Khan discussed his long career in candid and humorous terms. He said that while he appreciates the recognition, stardom is just a byproduct of his efforts to entertain audiences. “I try many things like acting, dancing, and singing just to bring people joy,” Khan stated. He sees himself more as an entertainer who will do anything required by a role.
Khan also opened up about his friendships with Hollywood stars like Jackie Chan. He jokingly mentioned an unfulfilled promise to open a Chinese restaurant with Chan. Additionally, Khan praised the skills of female directors. While noting that they bring a unique sensitivity, he made a quip about their films also smelling nicer which drew laughs.
Looking ahead, Khan confirmed he will star in an upcoming film called “King” to be directed by Sujoy Ghosh. The action movie is slated to start production in November and also features his daughter Suhana Khan and actors Abhishek Bachchan and Abhay Verma. Khan said he is drawn to more age-appropriate roles now and wants to lose weight to convincingly perform the action scenes.
Throughout his comments, Khan emphasized dedication to authentic performances. While proud of his achievements, he believes in constant self-improvement and avoiding complacency. For Khan, each new project is an opportunity to further innovate and push creative boundaries. The festival audience gave him a standing ovation, showing that his popularity and drive show no signs of slowing down.