The popular “School of Magical Animals” movie series continues to find success both at the German box office and around the world. The third film in the franchise has risen to the top spot in German cinemas for four consecutive weeks since its September release.
According to sales agency Epsilon Film, “School of Magical Animals 3” earned over $4.2 million in its first weekend, ranking ninth worldwide. As of mid-October, ticket sales have reached $16.4 million in Germany alone. The first two movies also performed well domestically, together grossing over $36.5 million.
International audience interest in the franchise remains high. Epsilon Film has secured deals for the new movie with distributors across Scandinavia, Hungary, Poland, and former Soviet countries. The films will also air on airlines worldwide.
The movies are based on a popular book series by Margit Auer, which has been translated into 26 languages. Set in a boarding school for magic, the stories follow students and their magical animal companions. Under director Sven Unterwaldt, the third film combines live action and CGI animation to bring the fantastical world to life onscreen.
Plans are already underway for a fourth “School of Magical Animals” film to continue entertaining global fans. Epsilon Film has acquired worldwide distribution rights for the upcoming movie, set for release in Germany in October 2025. Directors Bernhard Jasper and Maggie Peren will introduce new characters and creatures while advancing the overarching plot.
The consistent team of producer Kordes & Kordes Film Süd and German distributor Leonine have been crucial to growing the franchise over multiple movies. As “School of Magical Animals 3” finds cross-cultural success, the series demonstrates family entertainment’s ability to connect audiences internationally.