With House of the Dragon booming, HBO Max has given the green light to a new Game of Thrones spin-off series, this time centered on the character of Jon Snow, which will be reprised by Kit Harington.
Over the course of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow has played a crucial role in the events that will determine the fate of Westeros. Her alliance with Daenerys Targaryen was short-lived and intense with a tragic ending.
Exiled beyond the Wall, Jon Snow came back with the Wildlings at the end of the series, so its plot is quite likely to kick off with the bastard’s life spent with the Wildlings in the manner of a Game of Thrones sequel.
Kit Harington knows nothing about Jon Snow’s plot for the new series
During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Kit Harington talked about the new Game of Thrones spin-off series. While he doesn’t know anything about its plot yet, though, he explained how the upcoming HBO Max production might kick off.
Harington mentioned specifically about how the events of the last season of Game of Thrones might continue to haunt Jon’s every waking moment.
“I think if you had asked him, he would have felt like he got off lightly. At the end of the series, when we find him in that cell, he’s getting ready to be beheaded and he wants it done. He’s done. The fact that he’s going to the Wall is the biggest gift and also the biggest curse,” he commented.
Speaking further, The actor also speculated that Daenerys Targaryen’s death wasn’t the only specter of Jon’s past, pointing out that the former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch witnessed the deaths of several of his closest companions over the course of the series’ eight seasons.
“He has to go back to the place with all this history and live his life thinking about how he killed Dany, and live his life, think about Ygritte dying in his arms, and live his life thinking about how he hung Olly, and live his life thinking about all this trauma and that… that’s interesting.
So I think where we left off at the end of the show, there’s always a sense of….. I think we wanted some kind of little smile that things are OK. He’s not OK,” Harington explained.
Game of Thrones spin-off series about Jon Snow will soon premiere on HBO Max’s catalog. As we wait to know more details about this new project, we leave you here what are the best HBO Max series of 2022, as per Hobby Consolas’ editorial staff.