A gripping new trailer offers a first look at Firebrand, an upcoming historical drama that chronicles the treacherous marital dilemma faced by Katherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII. The film stars Alicia Vikander as the defiant Katherine, who finds herself navigating the perilous waters of Henry’s court as played by Jude Law.
Based on the 2013 novel Queen’s Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle, Firebrand’s trailer sets an ominous tone as Katherine enters into her fateful union with the notoriously mercurial monarch. “Katherine’s fate was to change the kingdom, forever,” a narrator intones, alluding to the tragic ends met by Henry’s previous five wives – two divorced, two executed, and one who died.
When Henry appoints the well-educated Katherine as Regent in his absence on a military campaign, it lays “a dangerous path for her.” The king’s courtiers, threatened by Katherine’s perceived Protestant sympathies, launch an insidious campaign to undermine her influence and question her loyalty to the increasingly paranoid Henry.
As the trailer escalates, it depicts Katherine’s dear friend Anne Askew being burned at the stake on charges of treason after Henry’s return. “Horrified and privately grieving, Katherine finds herself under ever-increasing scrutiny and suspicion,” the film’s synopsis reveals. “Knowing that even a whisper of scandal might lead to her downfall, Katherine must unleash her own scheme to fight for survival.”
For Vikander, the role allowing her to portray a rare capable and powerful woman for the era. Katherine not only managed to outlive her husband, avoiding the violent ends of his previous wives, but thrived as an author, activist and philanthropist in her later years.
Firebrand was written by Henrietta and Jessica Ashworth, based on extensive historical research into Katherine’s tumultuous life at court. The film marks the English language debut of acclaimed Brazilian director Karim Aïnouz, who previously helmed works like The Invisible Life.
Initially premiering at last year’s Cannes Film Festival to mixed reviews, Firebrand will aim to bring a gripping free feminist perspective to the oft-dramatized story of Henry VIII when it hits theaters on June 14th. With two accomplished leads in Vikander and Law, the turmoil Katherine endured may finally be granted the cinematic weight it deserves.
While Katherine may have trod carefully in her quest to avoid the executioner’s axe, the trailer suggests Firebrand will be anything but deferential in its depiction of this unsung heroine of the Tudor era boldly vying for authority in her own right.