In Marvel’s highly anticipated crossover film Deadpool & Wolverine, Emma Corrin makes their villainous Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as Cassandra Nova, killing off a beloved hero in a shocking scene. Corrin, who broke out playing Princess Diana in Netflix’s The Crown, takes on the formidable foe Nova – the malevolent twin sister of Professor X.
In one of the film’s most surprising moments, Nova wastes little time disposing of Chris Evans’ beloved Human Torch in his first return to a Marvel role since bidding farewell to Captain America in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame.
Evans’ cameo in the film sparked massive buzz and excitement among fans, who packed theaters for the New York premiere. However, Corrin has said feeling a twinge of guilt after watching audiences excitedly greet Evans, only to brutally dispatch his character minutes later. “I felt terrible.
I was hiding in my seat,” Corrin told British GQ of witnessing fan reactions. Despite mixed emotions, Corrin praised Marvel’s clever use of cameos like Evans’ that meaningfully advance the plot.
Beyond the Human Torch, Deadpool & Wolverine also features notable appearances from Wesley Snipes reprising his role as Blade and Jennifer Garner returning as Elektra, in addition to Channing Tatum’s highly anticipated debut as Gambit. However, Corrin said they sadly didn’t share scenes with many of their star-studded co-stars.
With its surprise twists and blend of comedy and action, Deadpool & Wolverine is poised to leave an indelible mark on the Marvel universe when it releases this month. As fans debate its bold choices, the film is already generating significant buzz as one of the most anticipated MCU crossovers yet.