The historical fantasy series “My Lady Jane” garnered a loyal fanbase during its one season run on Amazon Prime Video. However, fans were disappointed when Amazon canceled the show in August after only one season. Supporters have since launched an online campaign to revive the program.
Multiple petitions asking Amazon to renew the series for a second season have received tens of thousands of signatures. On social media, the hashtag #SaveMyLadyJane has been widely shared. Fans have also organized a crowdfunding campaign through GoFundMe. While Amazon has not commented on the campaign, the large response indicates the deep connection viewers felt toward the show.
The chemistry between the lead actors, Emily Bader and Edward Bluemel, who played Jane and Guildford, helped drive the show’s popularity. In a past interview, Bader recalled her initial audition process took months to hear back, and she landed the role after returning from vacation. Bluemel recounted having to record his audition “shouting a Latin poem over and over” in a small hotel, gaining local attention.
Their on-screen chemistry was tested further due to challenges like meeting for the first time during a stunt rehearsal. A chemistry read over Zoom also proved difficult as Bluemel aimed to appear smitten despite technical delays. Despite obstacles, the pair succeeded in captivating fans with their portrayals. While the producers hoped for season two, followers are now rallying for its return.
As the campaign to revive “My Lady Jane” continues gaining signatures and attention, it remains unclear if Amazon will reconsider. Still, the outstanding response emphasizes the show’s impact during its brief run. For now, all eight episodes remain available to stream as both loyal viewers and new audiences experience the story driving such devoted support.