The next installment in the long-running “Jurassic” movie franchise is scheduled for release in July 2025. Titled “Jurassic World: Rebirth,” the new film will be directed by Gareth Edwards and continue the story started in 2015’s “Jurassic World.”
Set five years after 2018’s “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” the plot involves a team sent to extract DNA from three massive dinosaur species. Their goal is to develop a new life-saving drug. Leading the team are Scarlett Johansson’s character Zora Bennett and paleontologist Dr. Henry Loomis, played by Jonathan Bailey. They encounter struggling dinosaurs that have migrated to tropical areas like their ancient habitats.
Mahershala Ali also stars as Duncan Kincaid. The covert mission is funded by drug company executive Martin Krebs, portrayed by Rupert Friend. During their expedition, the group discovers civilians stranded after a dinosaur attack. This unexpected event leads them to an alarming secret hidden for decades.
As with previous “Jurassic World” films, massive box office totals are expected. The last trilogy grossed over $1 billion worldwide for each installment. Keeping “World” in the title aims to leverage this brand recognition. A riskier change like “Jurassic Universe” may diminish audiences’ understanding of the franchise’s scope and vision.
The film promises to realize the long-promised concept of dinosaurs inhabiting the whole world. It also raises new thought-provoking questions about manipulating genetics for medical progress. Only time will tell if “Jurassic World: Rebirth” strikes the right balance of continuing the saga while offering fresh experiences that excite longtime fans and new audiences alike.