The team behind the upcoming Five Nights at Freddy’s sequel has devised a creative way to build excitement for their new movie. They have posted four brief excerpts online claiming one is from the actual script, while the others are fake. Fans are now analyzing clues to determine which is real.
Scott Cawthon, creator of the Five Nights at Freddy’s horror game series, stated they wanted fans involved in solving the mystery. “It might be more interesting if it were released alongside three fake screenplay pages,” a Scott Games spokesperson told the media. “It will be up to the fanbase to figure out which page is real.”
Each potential script page offers a glimpse of a different plot. One features animatronics trying to break free as two characters face off against Toy Chica. Another hints at a surprise military connection. A third discusses destroying possessed toys metaphorically. The fourth introduces new characters exploring an abandoned pizzeria’s hidden area below.
Fans quickly began comparing details, with many favoring the fourth option as authentic. It most closely aligns with the second game involving a carousel and new animatronic characters.
Along with the script tease, production photos showcase animatronic designs for Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica being recreated. These reveal “toy” and “worn” versions of the characters, hinting the sequel draws from the second installment.
The original 2023 Five Nights at Freddy’s movie starred Josh Hutcherson and was a box office success despite mixed reviews. It followed the games’ plot of a guard solving the secrets behind killer robots at a pizza place.
By engaging fans in this puzzle, the team generates buzz honoring how the series involves decoding complex lore and clues. As fans continue analyzing the pages online, excitement builds for the December 2025 sequel release. Only time will tell if the true script page is revealed beforehand, but the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise keeps its dedicated fanbase constantly guessing.