Rising star Phia Saban is making waves with her nuanced portrayal of Helaena Targaryen in HBO’s smash hit “House of the Dragon.” While her warring family members are neck-deep in the bloody Dance of the Dragons conflict, Saban explains that Helaena transcends the throne room machinations, possessing a mystical prophecy that paints her story in a sorcerous light.
In a juicy new interview, Saban shared insight into Helaena’s refusal to choose sides in the brewing civil war between the “Greens” and “Blacks.” “She knows it’s not about which faction sits the Iron Throne next – to Helaena, they’re all headed to the same fateful end,” the actress revealed. Showrunners have added the supernatural ability to predict major plot points for Helaena in the adapted script, a mysterious layer not in George R.R. Martin’s “Fire & Blood” history book.
Fans were left tongues wagging after Helaena’s stirring vision appearance in Daemon Targaryen’s premonition this season. Saban offered her educated analysis of the loaded scene: “Maybe Helaena represents something Daemon wants to confront about his complicated actions affecting her family. Or perhaps it’s just his subconscious at play – either way, their relationship holds intrigue.”
As Season 2 races to its climax, Helaena is shaping up to be one of the show’s most fascinating figures. Poised above the petty throne squabbles yet cognizant of Westeros’ grim destiny, she brings an unconventional wisdom to her tumultuous dynasty. With Saban at the helm, expect Helaena’s powers of prophecy to weave ever more mystique into her enthralling saga.
We thank Saban for her thoughtful insights into bringing such a richly complex character to life on screen. Fans can’t wait to see where Helaena’s journey leads as “House of the Dragon” storms toward its dramatic conclusion.