Actress Jenna Ortega has cemented her status as one of young Hollywood’s most in-demand stars with breakout roles in series like “Scream,” “You,” and the upcoming “Beetlejuice” sequel. But in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, the 20-year-old revealed the unlikely source of inspiration that set her on the path to stardom – Dakota Fanning’s gripping performance in the 2004 Tony Scott thriller “Man on Fire.”
Ortega vividly remembers how Fanning’s turn as a kidnapped 9-year-old immediately captured her attention. “Watching Dakota in that role made me realize, ‘This is what I want to do,'” she told Vanity Fair. Within weeks, the then-aspiring actress had her mother post a dramatic monologue on Facebook that led to her first Hollywood auditions.
Now with an Emmy nomination under her belt for the hit Netflix series “Wednesday,” Ortega’s rise has been nothing short of meteoric. But she admits navigating the pressures of her burgeoning career hasn’t come without challenges. “There are so many expectations in this industry – it can be laughable, beautiful, and awful all at once,” Ortega said of the rollercoaster ride to the top.
Off-screen, the actress continues drawing inspiration from unlikely mentors. While filming “Wednesday,” her cello teacher urged Ortega to approach every project with “the confidence of the average white man” – advice that clearly resonated, as the starlet credited it with changing her perspective.
As Ortega adds more dark, complex leading roles to her swiftly growing resume, her commitment and determination remain steadfast. And through it all, she stays grateful for the serendipitous moment that set her on the path – when a chance viewing of “Man on Fire” lit the fire that still burns brightly.