Netflix star India Amarteifio and rising talent Damian Hardung are set to lead the emotional coming-of-age drama “Into The Deep Blue,” according to an exclusive announcement. The film, based on the award-winning screenplay from novelist Jennifer Archer, follows two friends struggling with grief who find solace and growing romance in one another.
Amarteifio, who captured over 300 million viewing hours as Queen Charlotte in the hit series “Bridgerton,” and Hardung, currently starring on Amazon’s most-watched international show “Maxton Hall,” are poised to deliver breakout performances as they tackle the nuanced inner journeys of their complex characters. Under the vision of acclaimed director Jonathan Wright (“Awakening the Zodiac”), “Into The Deep Blue” promises an intimate exploration of emotional landscapes through its talented leads.
The screenplay was developed from Archer’s own novel after winning the prestigious Nicholl Fellowship from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Produced by Aletha Shepherd’s Shot of Tea, the film will film on location in the UK to capture the settings integral to the story. Shepherd praised the “remarkable script” and working with “such an amazing group of talent.”
Viewers can expect gripping portrayals from Amarteifio and Hardung as they navigate caring for one another amidst personal grief. With its focus on friendship, growth, and emerging romance in the face of loss, “Into The Deep Blue” is sure to resonate strongly upon release.