Acclaimed Australian actress Asher Keddie is reprising her leading role in the critically acclaimed drama series “Strife” as filming commences on the second season in Sydney. Inspired by Mia Freedman’s memoir “Work, Strife, Balance,” the Binge original examines the journey of digital media pioneer Evelyn Jones (Keddie) as she navigates the evolving landscape of women’s media.
Season one was a breakout hit for Binge last year, becoming the streaming platform’s biggest original series premiere to date with record-breaking viewership. The character-driven drama resonated deeply with audiences through its portrayal of Jones’ ambitious rise in a male-dominated industry and the personal sacrifices demanded by her career.
In the upcoming season, Jones’ growing media company relocates to new offices while expanding into podcasting. However, the emergence of a formidable new rival website and persistent online trolling threaten her hard-won success. Viewers can expect more complex interpersonal dynamics as Jones likewise rediscovers adventure in the dating world post-divorce.
Keddie, best known for her acclaimed roles on “Offspring” and “Nine Perfect Strangers,” said the show explores the “cost of what she’s trying to do in finding her own voice as a female boss.” Showrunner Sarah Scheller leads the returning writing team in crafting another season balancing humor and drama.
Joining Keddie are Matt Day, Tina Bursill, Emma Lung and others from the original trusted creative team. New cast members will also be announced to further enrich the series’ multidimensional characters and premium storytelling.
With its portrait of a trailblazing yet flawed female protagonist and commentary on women’s progress, “Strife” became a standout hit and cultural touchstone after season one. Fans and critics eagerly await the second chapter premiering later this year on Binge.