AMC Networks has added several Spanish actors to the cast of “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” as the show prepares to film its third season in Spain. The spinoff, which previously took place in France, will now feature Eduardo Noriega, Oscar Jaenada, Alexandra Masangkay, Candela Saitta and Hugo Arbues in lead and recurring roles.
Noriega, Jaenada and Masangkay are established talents in Spanish cinema. Noriega is known for movies such as “Thesis” and “Open Your Eyes.” Jaenada starred in films about legendary flamenco singer Camarón and the Disney pirate movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.” Masangkay made her debut in the historical film “1898: The Last of the Philippines.”
The addition of these Spanish actors comes as the show moves production to Madrid and other Spanish locations. This shift offers new backdrops and challenges as Norman Reedus returns as Daryl Dixon. Reedus and co-star Carol Peletier, played by Melissa McBride, continue their journey home while witnessing the undead apocalypse’s global effects.
Spanish producers Silvia Aráez and Jesús de la Vega join the executive team. Their involvement underscores commitments to authentic Spanish representation. As anticipation builds for season two this September, the expanded season three cast has fans buzzing about potential fresh story directions. By embracing international settings and talent, the franchise demonstrates its versatility in an ever-changing post-apocalyptic world.