“Cyberpunk Edgerunners” has taken the anime world by storm, sweeping the 2023 Anime Awards organized by Crunchyroll. The Netflix series, based on the popular CD Projekt Red game, won two of the most coveted awards, including the Best Anime of the Year, and the Best Performance in English for Zach Aguilar, who played the lead character David.
The series was a hit among fans, who praised it for its deep storyline, stunning animation, and music. Despite the initial doubts, “Cyberpunk Edgerunners” turned out to be a masterpiece that exceeded expectations, with various flavors for game fans to savor. It received a total of 13 nominations, demonstrating its critical acclaim and popularity.
CD Projekt and Trigger have every reason to be proud of their work, as they have produced an award-winning series that captivated audiences worldwide.
The series was a hit with fans and critics alike, and it comes as no surprise that CD Projekt is already planning more multimedia projects.
Unfortunately, fans hoping for a second season of “Edgerunners” are out of luck, as there are no plans for it at this time. However, fans of the series and anime enthusiasts can check out the complete list of the 2023 Anime Awards winners in all categories on the Crunchyroll website.
“Cyberpunk Edgerunners” has set a new standard for anime, and fans can look forward to more innovative productions in the future. Congratulations to CD Projekt and Trigger on their success.
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