In the sprawling metropolis of Night City, Cyberpunk 2077 players have stumbled upon a hidden treasure within an abandoned church just beyond the city limits. This intriguing discovery comes as part of Cyberpunk 2077’s substantial 2.0 update, and it grants players the chance to embark on a retro gaming adventure reminiscent of Doom, starring none other than Keanu Reeves’ iconic character, Johnny Silverhand.
While Cyberpunk 2077’s 2.0 update and the expansive Phantom Liberty expansion have injected a wealth of new content into the immersive first-person RPG, it’s a charming arcade cabinet tucked away in the game world that’s stealing the spotlight. Amid the grim dystopian landscape of Night City, it appears that the love for Doom-like shooters remains undying.
To embark on this nostalgic journey, you’ll need to venture into the unforgiving badlands beyond Night City, heading south until you reach a desolate church just north of a protein farm—an area that also serves as a fast-travel point. For those who’ve already unlocked the farm for fast travel, a quick zip over will save you the drive into the remote badlands.
Upon entering the church, your quest leads you to an unexpected discovery—a playable arcade machine known as the Arasaka Tower 3D.
Arasaka Tower 3D is a loving homage to the classic first-person shooters crafted by id Software, such as Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. In this digital escapade, you assume the role of Johnny Silverhand, the long-deceased rockerboy, fresh from his daring bombing mission against one of the world’s most formidable megacorporations.
Your mission is clear: navigate the towering structure while battling hordes of guards, all while Johnny moves at a surprisingly leisurely pace. The gameplay faithfully captures the retro essence, even restricting your view to a fixed plane, reminiscent of many ’90s shooters. The game spans around 10 minutes and features five levels, complete with hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered.
One can’t help but wonder if denizens of the Cyberpunk 2077 universe have modified Arasaka Tower 3D to the extreme, running it on unconventional devices much like how Doom has found a home on a multitude of platforms in our real world. Imagining tech-savvy enthusiasts open-sourcing this virtual relic and crafting entirely new levels for it is a tantalizing thought.
After indulging in the retro charms of Arasaka Tower 3D, you can seamlessly transition back to the main Cyberpunk 2077 experience, which now includes the intriguing new expansion.
It’s like Doom, but with the freedom to look up and down—an exhilarating twist for fans of this iconic gaming genre. In the ever-evolving world of Cyberpunk 2077, surprises await around every corner, ensuring that players continue to unearth hidden gems within this cybernetic wonderland.
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