In the vast expanse of Starfield, a gaming universe ripe with mystery and adventure, a money glitch has surfaced, allowing cunning players to amass a fortune and stockpile supplies. The glitch reveals not one but two inadvertently accessible vendor inventories, conveniently nestled next to each other.
This astounding revelation can be executed with simplicity, requiring nothing more than a crouching position. We’ve put this get-rich-quick scheme to the test, and it’s shockingly easy to exploit.
Reddit user Heretic0 brought attention to an oddly generous anomaly located just outside Shepherd’s General Store in Akila City, situated on Akila, the capital of the Freestar Collective faction in the Cheyenne System. By merely crouching and peering into the ground at a precise angle, players can plunder the entire inventory of the general store without incurring any charges or penalties.
Adding to the astonishment, a smaller yet functionally identical chest awaits right across the street. A video shared by YouTube user io2red demonstrates how to access Jaden Ross’ inventory, revealing that the same technique applies – crouching is the key.
Combined, these two inventories hold a staggering 6,200 credits in raw currency, but the real treasure trove lies in the extensive collection of supplies. Ship parts, medical packs, ammunition, consumables – it’s essentially the complete inventory of a merchant, making these chests a treasure trove of abundance.
Selling a fraction of these goods can yield tens of thousands of credits, or you can hoard them for a rainy day. Furthermore, these inventories reset when you rest to pass the time, permitting you to exploit them repeatedly, effectively granting you infinite wealth and supplies.
The reason behind the exploit’s success is straightforward: Bethesda must physically position a vendor’s inventory within the game world for the attached NPC’s trade system to function. This phenomenon harks back to a similar exploit found in Skyrim, earning this Starfield glitch comparisons to “the Dawnstar Caravan chest of Starfield” in various Reddit discussions.
However, it’s essential to acknowledge that such blatant exploitation can severely disrupt the game’s balance. Consequently, there’s a distinct possibility that Bethesda will patch this glitch in the future. One potential fix might involve relocating the vendor chests to deeper underground areas, rendering them inaccessible without mod-level manipulation. Nevertheless, for the time being, on this September 14th, players can approach Akila and amass a fortune without any economic concerns.
In this expansive and enigmatic universe, the path to wealth has been illuminated, but it remains to be seen how long this opportunity will persist before Bethesda intervenes to restore balance to the cosmos of Starfield.
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