In a resounding victory for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the season two premiere of the beloved series ‘Loki‘ has taken the streaming world by storm. According to Disney+, the premiere episode, which aired on October 5 in North America and October 6 worldwide, achieved a staggering 10.9 million views globally within the first three days, using the industry-standard metric of total viewing time divided by the episode’s runtime.
With a runtime of 47 minutes, the premiere episode accounted for approximately 512 million minutes (equivalent to 8.54 million hours) of collective viewing, showcasing the tremendous fan enthusiasm for the series. Notably, ‘Loki’ managed to accumulate these impressive numbers in just three days.
Comparing this remarkable achievement to another Disney+ hit, ‘Ahsoka,’ part of the Star Wars universe, which debuted in August with 14 million views over five days, ‘Loki’ seems poised to surpass ‘Ahsoka’ when considering the five-day total. The incredible reception of ‘Loki’ season 2 illustrates its enduring popularity.
Further emphasizing the series’ success, Disney+ highlights that ‘Loki’ had the second most-watched premiere among Disney+ series in 2023, ranking only behind the season three premiere of ‘The Mandalorian’ in March. This distinction underscores the enduring appeal of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the enthusiastic viewership it continues to attract.
The exceptional start for ‘Loki’ season 2 hardly comes as a surprise, given the remarkable performance of its first season. ‘Loki’ season 1 stands as the most-watched Marvel series on Disney+ to date. During its six-week run in June and July 2021, season 1 consistently averaged around 872 million minutes of viewing per week, as reported by Nielsen figures.
This staggering figure marked a 26 percent increase over the second-ranking Marvel series, ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,’ which averaged 692 million minutes per week.
In essence, ‘Loki’ season 2’s triumphant premiere reaffirms its status as a dominant force in the streaming landscape, captivating audiences with its intriguing narrative, compelling characters, and the enduring charisma of Tom Hiddleston as the enigmatic Loki.
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