Enchantments are a key element of gameplay in Minecraft that allow players to imbue their tools, weapons, and armor with magical properties. These special enhancements make mining faster, strengthen weapons and armor, and even add unique abilities like setting enemies on fire or breathing underwater.
In the world of Minecraft, enchanting offers a way to boost your gear past normal limits. You can sharpen pickaxes to mine materials faster, fortify armor to take more hits, or channel the power of lightning through swords. The depth of possibilities with enchantments is part of what makes advancing in Minecraft so engaging.
To gain access to enchantments, players must first construct an Enchanting Table, which enables the application of powerful enchantments to items using Experience Points. Surrounding the table with bookshelves can augment the level of available enchantments. Players can also find enchanted items from Villager trading, fishing, loot chests, and mob drops.
Understanding how to build an Enchanting Table and optimize its setup is key to getting the most out of enchantments. Deciding when to apply enchantments and combine them on Anvils also takes some strategy. Players strive to adorn their best tools and weapons with the highest level enchantments through careful investment of Experience Points.
Enchanting one’s gear takes mining, crafting, and monster-slaying to the next level in Minecraft. A sharp enchanted sword makes short work of enemies, while fast-mining pickaxes with Fortune produce heaps of resources. The magical feel of enchantments paired with the satisfaction of upgraded gameplay is what keeps players continuously striving to enhance their items.
Enchanting Table
The Enchanting Table is the core piece of equipment for enchanting in Minecraft. Its recipe requires 4 Obsidian blocks, 2 Diamonds, and 1 Book. Obsidian is found near lava flows that can be converted with water buckets. Diamonds are uncovered in the lower depths of the Minecraft world. Books require paper made from sugar cane and leather from cows.
Once the table is crafted and placed, players can access its interface to start enchanting their items. The Enchanting Table enables the application of powerful enhancements to tools, weapons and armor in exchange for Experience Points and Lapis Lazuli.
Surrounding an Enchanting Table with bookshelves can increase the level of available enchantments. Each bookshelf adds one level, up to a maximum of 15 bookshelves for level 30 enchantments. Bookshelves are crafted from 3 books and 6 wooden planks.
Books are made from paper and leather as mentioned above. Bookshelves must be placed one block away from the Enchanting Table on all sides to boost enchanting potential. With enough bookshelves, players gain access to more powerful enchantments to augment their items.
Lapis Lazuli
This vibrant blue ore is required as a crafting ingredient for dyes, but also fuels the enchanting process. Lapis Lazuli can be found while mining, often around layer 15 near other ores like gold. Chunks of Lapis Lazuli must be placed in the Enchanting Table interface to enchant items.
Each enchantment costs between 1-3 Lapis Lazuli, so collecting a good supply is key to higher level enchantments. Lapis Lazuli’s role in the Enchanting Table makes it an essential mineral for players looking to improve their gear.
Anvils provide another way to add and combine enchantments using Enchanted Books and multiple enchanted items. Anvils are crafted from 4 iron ingots and 3 iron blocks. On the interface, players can combine enchanted books with tools, weapons and armor.
This allows the application of enchantments that the Enchanting Table does not offer. Anvils also let players combine two items bearing different existing enchantments to create one more powerful enchanted item. Repairing and renaming items is possible on the Anvil as well.
Grindstones remove all non-curse enchantments from items. Their recipe requires 2 stone slabs and 2 sticks. Right clicking on a Grindstone with an enchanted item strips all regular enchantments, returning a bit of experience to the player. This can be useful for re-enchanting an item or preparing for a big enchant on the Enchanting Table. Grindstones are an easy way to clear an item’s existing enchantments.
Enchanted Books
Enchanted Books are items with pre-stored enchantments that can be applied later to tools, weapons and armor. They are found in loot chests and from fishing, trading with Villagers, and mob drops. Players can also create Enchanted Books by enchanting normal Books on the Enchanting Table.
These can stockpile useful enchantments for future application. Combining books on an Anvil can merge and even upgrade their enchantments. Enchanted Books provide flexibility in selecting and applying desired enchantments to one’s gear.
Enchanting Methods
In the following section of our article about enchanting in Minecraft, we are going to talk about different enchanting methods available in the game. Stay tuned.
Enchanting Table
The primary way to enchant items is by using the Enchanting Table. After placing the item to be enchanted in the left slot, the player puts 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the right slot fuel the enchantment. Up to three random enchantment options then appear on the right side of the interface.
The possible enchantments are determined by the player’s experience level and the surrounding bookshelves. Higher level players see better enchantments, as do tables augmented with more bookshelves. Each enchantment option has a level requirement displayed in green or red.
To finalize the enchantment, the player selects one of the three random options, which costs Lapis Lazuli equal to the number indicated. The experience cost matches the Lapis Lazuli as well. With luck and high experience levels, players can get powerful enchantments like Fortune III or Power V from their Enchanting Tables.
Anvils provide advanced options for enchanting items using Enchanted Books and combining gear. Players can combine an Enchanted Book directly with a tool, weapon or armor piece to imbue it with the book’s enchantment. This costs experience levels based on the enchantment, but allows obtaining enchantments not available from the Enchanting Table.
Another anvil technique is combining two items that already bear enchantments. For example, a pickaxe with Efficiency II can be combined with another pickaxe that has Fortune I. This merges the two enchantments onto a single item, provided they are compatible. Repeating the process can even upgrade some enchantments like Unbreaking to higher levels. Anvils also let players rename and repair their enchanted gear.
Trading with Villagers is a renewable way to obtain powerful enchanted items and books without using an Enchanting Table. Certain Villagers like Librarians and Toolsmiths will sell Enchanted Books in exchange for Emeralds.
Their trades randomly generate, but players can find highly useful enchantments like Mending this way. Villagers may also sell fully enchanted tools, weapons and armor. Tracking down Villagers to trade with can expedite gearing up.
With a bit of luck, fishing can net enchanted items too. Players can periodically pull up damaged books or bows with enchantments while fishing. The Luck of the Sea enchantment on Fishing Rods increases the chances.
Making a fishing hut with storage nearby is a good way to accumulate random enchanted loot over time. The treasures found while fishing nicely supplement other enchanting methods.
Mob Drops
Defeating hostile mobs has a small chance of dropping an enchanted item they are carrying. For instance, a Skeleton may yield a Power I Bow, or a Zombie could drop boots with Feather Falling.
These random mob drops grant players sporadic opportunities to obtain enchanted gear just from fighting monsters. Killing mobs in areas like the Nether can potentially reward players with potent enchantments early on.
Loot Chests
Exploring the depths of structures and dungeons, players can find chests containing enchanted items as loot. Weapons, tools and armor with random enchantments generate in these chests infrequently.
Some of the best places to find them are desert temples, jungle temples, strongholds, and most notably – end cities. Shipwrecks and ruin chests can also contain enchanted books. Looting these structures provides tantalizing enchantment opportunities.
In the Nether, Piglins may trade enchanted gear when bartered with Gold Ingots. They have a small chance to return an Enchanted Book or Iron Boots with Soul Speed when offered Gold.
Piglin bartering gives players access to rare enchantments before even making an Enchanting Table. Snout houses in the Nether are helpful to stockpile Gold for bartering and perhaps getting lucky with a powerful enchanted book trade.
Commands & Creative
In Creative Mode, the /enchant command applies any enchantment directly to items. Enchanted Books with any combination of enchantments can also be obtained easily. Players in Creative are free to experiment and test the effects of enchantments without the normal restrictions.
On servers with cheats enabled, operators can also use /enchant to tailor gear. Setting enchantment levels beyond normal survivable limits is possible as well. While less achievable in legitimate survival, commands and creative mode give endless enchanting possibilities.
Enchantment Levels
The power of enchantments in Minecraft depends on the experience level of the player and the bookshelves surrounding the Enchanting Table. Getting the most out of enchanting involves increasing these factors to reach the maximum enchantment level of 30.
Players can also stockpile enchantments on books and combine items to boost enchantment levels. Removing unwanted enchantments through disenchanting provides a way to re-roll for better options.
Bookshelves and Player Levels
The enchantment options presented in the Enchanting Table interface depend heavily on two factors – the player’s experience level, and the number of nearby bookshelves. Higher player experience unlocks more powerful enchantments, while additional bookshelves increase the offered enchantment levels.
Players gain experience points by activities like mining, smelting, breeding animals, and defeating mobs. Reaching level 30 takes significant effort through normal gameplay. The bookshelves surrounding an Enchanting Table boost the possibilities as well. Each added bookshelf increases the enchanting power up to 15 shelves.
Together, a high experience level player operating a maxed out Enchanting Table with 15 bookshelves gains access to the pinnacle minecraft enchantments. The random options go all the way up to level 30, instead of capping at lower levels for new players. Investing in experience levels and bookshelves pays off through mighty enchantments.
Max Level 30 Enchantments
The maximum enchantment level achievable in Minecraft is 30, requiring at least 15 surrounding bookshelves and an experience level of 30. Some particularly powerful examples at level 30 include:
- Sharpness V – deals 9 extra damage on swords
- Protection IV – reduces 16% of damage on armor
- Fortune III – 27% chance to triple ore drops when mining
- Power V – deals 12 extra damage for bows
Reaching the pinnacles of Sharpness V, Protection IV and other top tier enchantments is extremely rewarding after accumulating resources and experience. Maxing out tools and weapons confers massive advantages against enemies and for gathering materials. The journey to level 30 enchantments represents one of the ultimate accomplishments in Minecraft.
Enchanted Books
Enchanted Books provide useful ways to stockpile enchantments for later use and combine enchantments. Players can purposely enchant books to save high level enchantments discovered while experimenting at the table. Unwanted low rolls can simply be applied to books rather than tools.
These Enchanted Books retain their enchantments until applied to items later via an Anvil. Multiple books can also be combined to merge and even upgrade their enchantments. For example, combining two Sharpness IV books produces a mighty Sharpness V book. Carefully crafting Enchanted Books enables creating powerful maxed out enchanted items.
Increasing Enchantment Levels
The Anvil allows not just applying, but increasing enchantment levels on items. Combining two items with the same enchantment type (like Efficiency) boosts it to the next level, provided they are compatible. For example, merging an Efficiency III Pickaxe with an Efficiency IV Pickaxe yields one with Efficiency V.
Repairing an enchanted item on an Anvil prior to combining preserves the enchantments at their current level. This repair and merge process can be repeated to eventually reach the maximum enchantment power through multiple combinations. Anvils give players control over steadily leveling up specific enchantments on their gear.
Removing Enchantments
Grindstones provide an easy way to strip the enchantments off of tools, weapons and armor. Simply activate the Grindstone with an enchanted item, and it will remove all standard enchantments, excluding Curses. A bit of experience is refunded based on the power of the removed enchantments.
Clearing items this way can be useful to re-enchant gear from scratch or prepare an item to receive a major high-level enchant. While destroying the work invested, disenchanting on Grindstones at least returns some experience to fuel the next attempt. By removing enchantments, players can re-roll for better options.
Overview of Enchantment Types
Minecraft offers a wide variety of enchantment types to apply to tools, weapons, armor, and other items. Each enchantment provides unique bonuses and abilities to empower the player. Optimizing one’s gear involves selecting the most useful enchantments and understanding which ones conflict with each other.
There are also some distinctions between enchantment mechanics in Java vs Bedrock editions. This overview covers the key attributes of all the various enchantment types available.
List of Enchantments
- Aqua Affinity – Increases underwater mining speed. Applies to helmets.
- Bane of Arthropods – Increases damage to arthropod mobs like spiders. Applies to swords.
- Blast Protection – Reduces explosion damage. Applies to armor.
- Channeling – Strikes lightning during storms. Applies to tridents.
- Curse of Binding – Prevents removal of items. Applies to armor, elytra, mob heads.
- Curse of Vanishing – Item destroyed on death. Applies to all gear.
- Depth Strider – Increases underwater movement speed. Applies to boots.
- Efficiency – Increases mining and harvesting speed. Applies to tools.
- Feather Falling – Reduces fall damage. Applies to boots.
- Fire Aspect – Ignites attacked enemies. Applies to swords.
- Fire Protection – Reduces fire damage. Applies to armor.
- Flame – Shoots flaming arrows. Applies to bows.
- Fortune – Increases block drop yields. Applies to tools.
- Frost Walker – Freezes water to walk on. Applies to boots.
- Impaling – Boosts trident damage to aquatic mobs.
- Infinity – Shoots infinite arrows. Applies to bows.
- Knockback – Knocks back attacked enemies. Applies to swords.
- Looting – Yields more mob loot. Applies to swords.
- Loyalty – Returns thrown tridents. Applies to tridents.
- Luck of the Sea – Improves fishing luck. Applies to fishing rods.
- Lure – Decreases wait time while fishing. Applies to fishing rods.
- Mending – Repairs items using XP. Applies to all gear.
- Multishot – Shoots 3 arrows at once. Applies to bows.
- Piercing – Arrows pass through multiple targets. Applies to bows.
- Power – Increases arrow damage. Applies to bows.
- Projectile Protection – Reduces projectile damage. Applies to armor.
- Protection – Reduces most types of damage. Applies to armor.
- Punch – Knocks back arrow targets. Applies to bows.
- Quick Charge – Decreases crossbow reload time. Applies to crossbows.
- Respiration – Extends underwater breathing. Applies to helmets.
- Riptide – Teleports when throwing trident. Applies to tridents.
- Sharpness – Boosts melee attack damage. Applies to swords.
- Silk Touch – Mines blocks themselves. Applies to tools.
- Smite – Improves damage to undead mobs. Applies to swords.
- Soul Speed – Increases speed on soul-based blocks. Applies to boots.
- Sweeping Edge – Sweeping attacks hit more targets. Applies to swords.
- Thorns – Damages attackers. Applies to armor.
- Unbreaking – Improves item durability. Applies to all gear.
Best Enchantments
Some of the most useful enchantments for surviving and thriving in Minecraft include:
- Mending – Keeps items repaired with XP
- Unbreaking – Makes items more durable
- Efficiency – Mines blocks faster
- Fortune – Yields more resources
- Sharpness – Increases melee damage
- Power – Boosts arrow damage
- Protection – Reduces incoming damage
- Feather Falling – Prevents fall damage
Having highly leveled versions of these enchantments on one’s best tools, weapons and armor makes a dramatic difference in sustaining oneself long-term and being able to take on greater challenges.
Conflicting Enchantments
Certain enchantments have contradictory effects and thus cannot be combined on the same item. These include:
- Multiple types of protection on armor
- Silk Touch and Fortune on tools
- Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods on swords
- Infinity and Mending on bows
- Depth Strider and Frost Walker on boots
When enchanting gear, players need to choose one effect over the other for conflicting enchantment types based on their play style and needs.
Java vs Bedrock Differences
A few key enchanting distinctions exist between the Java and Bedrock versions:
- Sweeping Edge only in Java
- Fire Aspect ignites TNT/campfires in Bedrock
- Protection blocks magic damage in Java
- Impaling works on all wet mobs in Bedrock
- Sharpness deals more damage in Bedrock
- Soul Speed alters FOV in Java
- Riptide hits multiple targets in Bedrock
- Respiration reduces drowning in Java
These mechanics variations between editions are good to know, but do not hugely disrupt the value of enchantments. Core upgrades like Fortune, Power, and Unbreaking function reliably across both Java and Bedrock.
Removing Enchantments
In Minecraft, players have a couple options to strip away existing enchantments from tools, weapons and armor. Removing enchantments allows reconfiguring gear or preparing items for a new high-level enchant.
Using a Grindstone
Grindstones provide the main method to disenchant items. After crafting a Grindstone with 2 stone slabs and 2 sticks, right click while holding an enchanted item to activate it. This strips all standard enchantments from the gear.
Curse enchantments like Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing cannot be removed by a Grindstone. But all other normal enchantments will be cleared. A bit of experience is refunded to the player based on the level of the removed enchantments too.
Grindstones are useful when re-working a tool to focus on different enchantments. And since the process is instant, they can quickly prepare items for fresh enchanting. Portable Grindstones help optimize gear on the fly.
Repairing on Crafting Grid
Repairing heavily damaged or broken enchanted items via the crafting grid also causes them to lose their enhancements. Simply combining the damaged item with the required material type (iron ingots, diamonds) removes existing enchantments.
This repair method is costly, since the precious enchantments are lost. But it can recover an item after heavy use and allow re-enchanting it. As with the Grindstone, Curses still remain intact. For most gear, using an Anvil for repair is ideal to maintain enchantments. But the crafting grid gives another route if enchantment removal is the goal.
Between these two methods, players have reliable ways to strip enchantments when desired. This empowers reconfiguring gear for different situations and unlocking higher level enhancements.
Enchanting in Minecraft: Conclusion
Enchanting is a key element of gameplay progression in Minecraft. Applying enchantments to gear allows exceeding normal limits and tailoring equipment to one’s play style. An Enchanting Table enables enchanting items using Lapis Lazuli and experience points. Surrounding it with bookshelves unlocks higher level enchantments. Anvils give advanced options like combining enchanted books and merging items to increase enchantment power.
Mending, Unbreaking, Efficiency, Fortune, Sharpness, and Protection are some of the most useful enchantments for survival. Others like Soul Speed, Channeling, and Impaling confer unique benefits. Combining complementary enchantments on fully enchanted weapons, tools and armor makes the player incredibly powerful. But conflicting enchantment types like Silk Touch and Fortune cannot coexist on one item.
Understanding how to build an enchanting setup, apply enchantments strategically, and disenchant or combine gear gives players immense flexibility. Mastering the enchanting system allows tackling greater challenges in the Minecraft world. Enchantments open up thrilling new possibilities through magically augmented gameplay.
Enchanting in Minecraft Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make an enchanting table in Minecraft?
Craft an enchanting table using 4 obsidian, 2 diamonds, and 1 book.
What is lapis lazuli for in Minecraft enchanting?
Lapis lazuli powers the enchanting process and is consumed when applying enchantments.
How do I increase enchantment levels in Minecraft?
Add more bookshelves around the enchanting table and increase your XP level.
What is the highest level enchantment in Minecraft?
Level 30 is the maximum enchantment level achievable.
How do I get mending in Minecraft?
Mending books come from trading, fishing, chest loot, or enchanting books.
Can you put two of the same enchantments on an item?
No, only one of each type of enchantment can be applied to an item.
Do enchantments work on all tools and armor?
No, some enchantments only apply to certain gear types.
How do I remove enchantments in Minecraft?
Use a grindstone or repair the item in a crafting grid to remove enchantments.
Where can I find enchanted items in Minecraft?
Chest loot, trading, fishing, and mob drops offer enchanted items.
Do enchantments work on shields?
Yes, shields can have Unbreaking, Mending, and Curse enchantments.
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