In a major Marvel surprise, Channing Tatum stole the show with his long-awaited debut as Remy LeBeau aka Gambit. The actor’s unexpected but triumphant cameo in Deadpool & Wolverine has stunned fans and renewed hope that the swashbuckling mutant may finally get his chance to shine in a standalone film.
Tatum has been trying to bring Gambit to the big screen since being initially cast in the role for 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Repeated attempts at a solo project fizzled over the past decade due to budget issues and 20th Century Fox’s acquisition by Disney. But director Shawn Levy found the perfect vehicle to unite the Merc with a Mouth, Wolverine, and Gambit in Deadpool & Wolverine.
Critics are raving about Tatum’s compelling take on the iconic cardsharp. He seamlessly slips into the role with a true Cajun accent and captures Gambit’s charming rogue persona. Special effects showcase his kinetically charged playing card abilities to awe-inspiring effect. The actor devoted extensive research to paying homage to Gambit’s comic book roots.
These pictures are almost 10 years apart to the day. I sat in the audience when Ryan Reynolds showed his first peek of Deadpool 1 to the world and I think I ran back stage right after and found him and I think I just hugged him and was like holy shit you did it man. It’s perfect.…
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) July 30, 2024
“All things happen for a reason,” Tatum noted on social media in thanking Ryan Reynolds. “I’m so grateful Reynolds fought for this role. His passion and this film are pure magic.” The positive buzz from Tatum’s performance has energized the fandom crying out for a long-awaited standalone Gambit adventure.
Deadpool & Wolverine’s blend of nostalgia and new possibilities in the evolving Marvel multiverse has revitalized hopes that Le Beau may yet get his moment in the sun. If Tatum and Gambit’s surprising smash success is any indication, a fresh Cajun chapter could be on the horizon.