Fans of the quirky anime comedy My Deer Friend Nokotan have been eagerly awaiting the next installment after the hilarious events of Episode 4 left them wanting more. Picking up where the deer club’s misadventures left off, Episode 5 is primed to deliver more absurd antics and character-driven gags this Sunday.
Produced by acclaimed studio Wit Studio (Attack on Titan) and featuring a creative directorial approach from Ken Sanuma, My Deer Friend Nokotan has garnered a loyal following for its heartwarming stories of friendship paired with creative visual humor. At the heart of the series is the deer-human BFF duo of Koshitan and Nokotan, whose feel-good bond serves as an anchor amidst the show’s surreal circumstances.
Episode 4 centered around Koshitan’s interactions with the quirky student council. While vice president Nekoyamada aimed to undermine the deer club, her efforts were thwarted in comedic fashion. Memorable scenes included Koshitan attempting to impress Tsubameya and an accidental lock-in with Tanukikoji resolved by Nokotan’s mushroom gathering. “I loved the subtle running gags like Nekoyamada’s repeated background appearances,” says fan Suzie W., “It shows the intricate writing behind the series’ clever visual comedy.”
Catch the next delightful dose of deer club antics this Sunday, August 4th. Episode 5 streams at 8:00AM PST on Crunchyroll and Amazon Prime Video. With the established momentum, this highly anticipated episode is poised to deliver more character-driven comedy and offbeat scenarios that have made My Deer Friend Nokotan a must-watch show. Whether you’re a devoted fan or just starting out, be sure to tune in this weekend.