The Bosnian drama series “I Know Your Soul” emerged as the top winner at the 2022 Heart of Sarajevo Television Awards last month. The awards recognize excellence in television programming from countries in Southeastern Europe.
“I Know Your Soul”, written and directed by acclaimed Bosnian filmmaker Jasmila Žbanić, took home seven awards overall. This included prizes for Best Drama Series, Best Script for a Drama, and Best Direction for a Drama. Žbanić herself received the scriptwriting award for her work on the drama.
The series follows a prosecutor named Nervena dealing with personal struggles while investigating a teenager’s suicide. Actress Jasna Duričić won for her leading performance as Nervena. Her portrayal of a woman facing challenges at work and home drew widespread praise.
Other “I Know Your Soul” cast members also received awards. Jelena Kordić Kuret won for Best Supporting Actress. Mirvad Kurić and Lazar Dragojević earned trophies for their supporting and breakout acting roles respectively.
In other categories, the late Serbian actor Žarko Laušević posthumously won Best Actor for his work in the World War I drama “Time of Death”. Meanwhile, the comedies “Smashing It” from Bosnia and “Radio Mileva” from Serbia both had multiple award wins.
The annual Heart of Sarajevo Television Awards are judged by industry professionals from countries in the region. The success of “I Know Your Soul” highlights the growing international recognition of television productions from Bosnia. With its acquisition by HBO Max, the acclaimed drama will reach new audiences and further cement Žbanić’s status as an important voice in cinema and television.