Fans of the animated comedy Futurama were thrilled to see a familiar joke make a surprise comeback in Season 12 on Hulu. In the fourth episode titled “Beauty and the Bug,” the robot Bender finds himself startled by his friend Amy Wong. As a reaction, Bender says “Amy! You scared me brickless!”
This line directly references a running gag from the show’s 1999 pilot episode. Early on, it was established that Bender would literally expel bricks from his body when experiencing intense fear. Analysts noted the joke cleverly combines the sayings “shitting bricks” and “being scared shitless.” However, to the character Bender, his statement likely just describes his fear reaction without the idioms.
While the visual of Bender ejecting bricks has only occasionally recurred, its reappearance delighted longtime viewers. As one analyst stated, Bender’s extreme fear response is an established part of his character but losing its humor if used too frequently.
The decision to stealthily reintroduce this classic Futurama element shows respect for the show’s history as it explores new storylines. Even as the revival season progresses on Hulu, writers carefully craft nods to please die-hard fans.
Whether Bender truly expelled a brick remains ambiguous. But hearing the familiar line alone elicits laughter from those familiar with his unusual functions. As Season 12 continues, more subtle tributes honoring the beloved show’s canon can likely be expected. For now, Bender’s latest “brickless” declaration stands as an aptly crude callback sure to amuse longtime viewers.