Legendary actor Sir Ian McKellen recently opened up about injuries he sustained from a fall during a West End production in June. In an interview, the 84-year-old described tripping on a newspaper and tumbling from the stage into the front row of the audience.
McKellen suffered a chipped vertebrae and fractured wrist from the jolt of the fall. He said the injuries caused “agonizing pain” in his shoulders that has been difficult to heal. While wearing a protective “fat suit” shielded his ribs, the psychological impact has been immense. McKellen recounted reliving the incident and feeling it marked “the end of my participation” in the play.
The severity of the injuries ultimately forced McKellen’s departure from “Player Kings,” Shakespeare’s “Henry IV, Parts One and Two.” He called leaving the production “deeply upsetting.” As he recovers, McKellen says he must remind himself that at 84, “I’m not too old to act.” It was only an “accident,” he noted, but returning to the stage has not been possible while the cast continued without him.
McKellen remains committed to acting despite physical and emotional hurdles. He expressed gratitude for the medical professionals who treated him and the theater community’s support. As one of the most renowned actors in the world, McKellen serves as an inspiration in overcoming unexpected challenges through unwavering passion for his craft.