An upcoming film by Kazakh director Olga Korotko looks to provoke thought about societal norms through its unique blend of drama, satire and social commentary. “Crickets, It’s Your Turn” follows a young woman, Merey, through a harrowing ordeal that exposes darker intentions hidden beneath surface-level interactions.
Set in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the film focuses on Merey who finds herself trapped at a birthday party in the mountains hosted by a man she recently met, Nurlan. What started as a seemingly casual gathering spirals into a nightmarish situation. Through Merey’s experience, Korotko aims to critique broader views of success through power and domination. “I see patriarchy as a symptom of thinking the only way to get ahead is by being strong or in control over others,” Korotko said.
Korotko uses satire and dark humor throughout the film to emphasize the absurdity of entrenched social norms. For example, the title “Crickets, It’s Your Turn” refers to an inside joke that falls flat, mirroring situations Merey faces. She employs “theatrical fantasies” as a coping mechanism, pushing events into farcical realms of mockery. The film blends genres to underscore these critiques.
In one sincere scene, Merey connects with other women, a rare moment of genuine empathy. While many films about power imbalances involve revenge, Korotko explores more nuanced resistance through creativity and kindness over aggression. “Those aiming for beauty will lose fighting on others’ terms of domination,” Korotko said.
Produced in Kazakhstan, “Crickets, It’s Your Turn” makes its debut at the Locarno Film Festival with praise for tackling timely issues through compelling storytelling. The film encourages rethinking what brings true success in a challenging world.