Five years after HBO’s acclaimed series Game of Thrones concluded, actor Kit Harington offered new perspective about the show’s divisive ending and his proposed spin-off series. In a recent interview, Harington addressed criticism of the final season’s pacing and acknowledged feeling “spent” by the end of filming. While expressing gratitude for his career-making role of Jon Snow, Harington also discussed moving beyond the shadow of the blockbuster show as he eyes new acting opportunities.
Harington said he understands some viewers felt the conclusion was “rushed” given the large scope of the story. He said everyone working on Thrones was “so fucking tired” by the end that they “couldn’t have gone on longer.” Pictures from the set show how worn down Harington appeared. Although defending the ending to an extent, Harington conceded “there were mistakes made story-wise towards the end.”
The actor also provided new details about discussions for a potential Jon Snow spin-off series. While initially intrigued, Harington had concerns the project might undermine his efforts “to separate myself from [Thrones].” After several years of development that failed to yield a compelling narrative, Harington made the difficult decision to withdraw his involvement.
Now looking ahead, Harington acknowledges Thrones will likely remain the defining role of his career so far due to its massive popularity and influence. However, he is focused on exploring unique characters in new stories as he seeks to show audiences the full range of his talents. With the proposed spin-off shelved and Thrones behind him, fans and industry insiders alike will watch Harington’s next moves closely as he navigates his highly-anticipated post-Westeros career.