Netflix has revealed plans to premiere an animated Tomb Raider television series in October 2024. The show, titled “Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft,” will feature voice acting from Hayley Atwell in the lead role of Lara Croft. Atwell is well known for her work in movies like Captain America: The First Avenger and TV shows such as Agent Carter.
The series will take place after the most recent Tomb Raider video games. Viewers will follow Lara Croft on her mission to recover a stolen Chinese artifact with personal significance. Brief footage in the teaser trailer hints at daring stunts like car chases and explorations of underground lava caves. Croft will also face dangers chasing suspects through crowded city streets.
Tasha Huo serves as the writer, producer, and showrunner. Huo has experience writing for shows such as The Witcher: Blood Origin. The animation studio Powerhouse will bring the series to life. Powerhouse is known for their work on other hit Netflix shows including Castlevania and Masters of the Universe: Revelation.
According to information from Netflix, viewers can expect the series to explore Lara Croft’s character development. She must deal with the consequences of her independence as an explorer. Croft will determine what kind of hero she wants to be. Allen Maldonado and Earl Baylon also lend their voices to currently unknown roles.
This new animated Tomb Raider hopes to introduce the character to a new generation. With a proven source material, skilled cast, and expert animation studio, it has potential to please both newcomers and longtime fans of the games. The show should expand the franchise beyond video games when it premieres in October 2024.