The new Netflix comedy series “Nobody Wants This” explores the challenges faced by couples in interfaith relationships. The show stars Kristen Bell and Adam Brody as Joanne and Noah, an atheist podcaster and recently single rabbi whose differing views create complications in their romance.
Created by Erin Foster, the series takes inspiration from her own conversion to Judaism before marriage. Foster aimed to craft a realistic narrative examining tensions modern partners can face due to dissimilar backgrounds or beliefs.
Viewers have responded positively to the show’s portrayal of these issues. Kristen Bell, who plays Joanne, said she was drawn to the “minefield of storylines” the script presented. Her character’s outspoken personality clashes with Noah’s duties as a rabbi, testing their relationship.
Adam Brody sees the central conflict as universally relatable, noting political differences could create similar challenges. The characters navigate how their diverging worldviews affect family and community reactions as well.
Across ten episodes, Joanne and Noah struggle with whether their dissimilar views can sustain their love. The finale leaves their future unclear. With strong performances by Bell and Brody, fans eagerly await news of a renewal.
If greenlit, a second season could further develop Joanne’s potential conversion and Noah’s career path, supplying more insights into balancing faith, identity and partnership. The supporting cast also offers storytelling chances to be explored.
Whether the series continues or not, viewers agree “Nobody Wants This” starting an important discussion by realistically portraying love’s obstacles when religion separates two people. The show prompts reflection on forming relationships amid today’s diverse landscape.