Peacock is set to premiere a new horror series called “Teacup” on October 10th. The show was developed by acclaimed horror producer James Wan and is based loosely on the bestselling novel “Stinger” by Robert McCammon. “Teacup” tells the story of a rural family who faces a mysterious threat in their small Georgia community.
Ian McCulloch serves as the showrunner and has adapted the novel for television. While the original story was set in Texas, McCulloch moved the setting to the backwoods of Georgia. The ensemble cast includes established actors like Yvonne Strahovski of “The Handmaid’s Tale” fame alongside Scott Speedman, Chaske Spencer, and Rob Morgan. McCulloch describes “Teacup” as blending different genres like thriller, horror, family drama and science fiction into a single “keyhole” story focused on one family.
A recently released trailer for the series offers a glimpse into its eerie world. The footage starts out peacefully with farm scenes but soon turns ominous as a young boy discovers a looming threat in the woods. The trailer builds suspense with unsettling images including a person in a gas mask delivering cryptic messages. James Wan, known for popular horror franchises, produces “Teacup” and was attracted to the project’s unique mix of scares and character depth.
“Teacup” will have expertise behind the camera as well. Seasoned directors like E.L. Katz, John Hyams, Chloe Okuno, and Kevin Tancharoen are each set to helm episodes. The first two episodes premiered at Fantastic Fest on September 22nd and received positive feedback. As the last episodes air throughout October, “Teacup” aims to engage horror fans with its atmospheric chills and character-driven drama under the guidance of Wan and his talented crew. Only time will tell if the show is poised to become another hit for Peacock this Halloween season.