Anime streaming service Crunchyroll is reeling fans in with its latest original series, “Negative Positive Angler.” Set to debut this October, the emotionally complex sports drama hails from acclaimed studio NUT Animation and director Yutaka Uemura.
Blending the conventions of fishing and tear-jerking drama, “Negative Positive Angler” follows college student Tsunehiro Sasaki as he finds purpose through an unlikely hobby. Burdened with debt and a bleak medical diagnosis, Sasaki is rescued from debt collectors by eccentric fishermen Hana Ayukawa and Takaaki Tsutsujimori. The eccentrics introduce Sasaki to the meditative sport, which becomes an outlet for his depression.
Helming the project is Uemura, known for fantasy series like “Saga of Tanya the Evil” and sci-fi thriller “Deca-Dence.” He aims to infuse the sports anime genre, often seen as lighthearted, with gravitas. “This story depicts how fishing transcends trivial recreation and becomes a lifeline in times of darkness,” said Uemura.
Leading the principal cast is breakout star Mutsuki Iwanaka as Sasaki, alongside veterans Fairouz Ai as Hana and Kaito Ishikawa as Takaaki. Ai and Ishikawa lend their talents from franchises like “Scott Pilgrim” and “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai,” respectively.
Up-and-coming Studio NUT Animation, founded just seven years ago, is generating buzz with its handle on emotional storytelling and production values. Having steadily built acclaim over a small but impressive catalogue, “Negative Positive Angler” represents their most ambitious original series yet.
Early marketing has already stimulated anticipation online. Character bios, vibrant key art, and frequent updates tease the juxtaposition between cheerful pastimes and heavy drama that “Negative Positive Angler” delivers. As the October premiere nears, Crunchyroll has reeled fans in for an emotionally taxing sports anime like no other.