The BBC and Disney+ announced additional cast members for the upcoming spinoff series “The War Between the Land and the Sea.” The show will focus on the classic Doctor Who villains called the Sea Devils. It will explore a war between humanity and the Sea Devils that emerge from the oceans.
The show features Russell Tovey and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as lead characters. They have both appeared before in guest roles on Doctor Who. Joining them are returning actors Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart and Alexander Devrient as Colonel Ibrahim. Kate Stewart is head of the organization UNIT, which tries to protect Earth.
Others reprising roles include Ruth Madeley as UNIT officer Shirley Ann Bingham. She played this role in past Doctor Who anniversary specials. Colin McFarlane will also return as US General Austin Pierce. Fans may remember General Pierce from the dark Doctor Who story “Torchwood: Children of Earth” in 2009.
The addition of General Pierce suggests the new spinoff may explore mature themes. In “Children of Earth,” Pierce made difficult choices when aliens threatened Earth’s children. His return implies a deeper look at moral dilemmas in protecting humanity. The show could also further explore UNIT’s balance between science and military responses during an invasion.
As production continues, it remains unclear if other characters from Doctor Who may guest star. The expanding cast is exciting fans eager to see connections to the long history of the Doctor Who universe. While no premiere date was announced, “The War Between the Land and the Sea” will air on BBC One and Disney+. With further filming, more details about the plot and cast are expected in the coming months. Overall, the spinoff looks to provide an exciting new chapter in the Doctor Who story with its mix of characters and focus on classic villains.