The television series “Good Omens” is preparing to tell its final story in an upcoming third season on Prime Video. Based on a novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, the show follows an angel named Aziraphale and a demon named Crowley who form an unlikely friendship over the years spent on Earth.
While Season 2 of the hit show ended on an emotional cliffhanger last year, interviews with actors Michael Sheen and David Tennant offered insights into what’s ahead. Sheen, who plays Aziraphale, said fans had strong reactions to the end of the last season. He hinted Season 3 will provide satisfying resolution for viewers. Tennant, who plays Crowley, teased upcoming scenes focus more on the romantic relationship between the two main characters.
Series creator Neil Gaiman has revealed Season 3 will see another threat to end the world, similar to previous seasons. Casting details are still emerging, but Sheen and Tennant will reprise their roles as Aziraphale and Crowley. Production on the concluding season is scheduled to start in January 2025.
How the show ultimately wraps up its story remains to be seen. But with its mix of humor, spiritual storytelling, and devoted fanbase, “Good Omens” Season 3 looks to provide fans a fitting end to this beloved tale of an angel and demon who become unlikely allies over the centuries.