Renowned Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar is premiering his first English-language movie, titled The Room Next Door, at this year’s Venice Film Festival. The drama adaptation stars Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton and has generated buzz leading up to its debut.
The Room Next Door is based on Sigrid Nunez’s novel What Are You Going Through. It follows the story of Ingrid, a best-selling author played by Moore, who rekindles her friendship with Martha, a war journalist played by Swinton. As the two women discuss their shared past, they grapple with themes of life, death, and the passage of time.
Almodóvar, known for exploring complex emotions and relationships in films like Parallel Mothers, focuses on how Moore and Swinton’s characters cope with realities like the horrors of war in different ways. Their renewed bond is tested when Martha makes an unexpected request. The film weaves their personal histories with broader reflections on the human experience.
Shot on location in Madrid and New York, the drama also stars John Turturro, Alessandro Nivola, and Juan Diego Botto. Cinematographer Eduard Grau, renowned for his work on A Single Man, brings a visually elegant style. Scenes set in a tranquil New England nature reserve showcase some of the film’s evocative atmosphere.
Warner Bros Pictures secured distribution rights across international markets like Spain, the UK, Germany, Italy, and Asia-Pacific regions, reflecting global anticipation. As the film’s festival run begins, The Room Next Door looks to make a strong impression and further establish Almodóvar as a formidable voice in English-language cinema.