Fans of the beloved Mortal Kombat video game franchise have much to anticipate for the upcoming sequel, according to star Ludi Lin. In a recent interview, the actor who reprises his role as Liu Kang teased an even more expansive film that will feature a breakout performance from Karl Urban as Johnny Cage.
Lin spoke glowingly of the ambitious production currently filming in Australia, revealing a significantly larger scale with “everything…bigger.” He also praised Urban’s dedication, stating the actor “is going to blow your socks off” in the pivotal role of Johnny Cage. Lin sees Urban bringing the same gritty charisma he exhibited as Billy Butcher in The Boys.
The first Mortal Kombat film was a box office success upon its premiere last year despite earning mixed critical reviews. While it found favor amongst diehard fans for honoring the beloved characters and signature violence of the games, it faced challenges amidst the pandemic by grossing $84 million worldwide on a $55 million budget.
Nevertheless, the sequel aims to deliver an enhanced cinematic experience that builds on the strengths of its predecessor. New additions like Adeline Rudolph as Kitana and Tati Gabrielle as Jade promise to further expand the dynamic storylines. Under director Simon McQuoid’s guidance, the cast and crew are working to meet the high anticipation levels with a movie befitting the legendary franchise’s legacy.
As the film’s release approaches, buzz is steadily growing around Urban’s anticipated breakout performance. Fans have much to look forward to as the warriors of Earthrealm prepare for an even bigger battle against the forces of Outworld in Mortal Kombat 2.