Fans of the popular Prime Video animated series The Legend of Vox Machina got a sneak peek at the upcoming third season in a new trailer. The season is expected to deliver intense battles and challenges that push the unlikely band of heroes to their limits. Viewers see a massive red dragon that threatens to destroy Vox Machina, indicating an epic confrontation is coming.
Some scenes also show divisions forming within the group of adventurers. While the trailer features appearances from all seven members of Vox Machina, not everyone is together for key moments. In particular, sequences set in a hellish landscape only include Keyleth, Vax, Grog, Scanlan and Pike. Pike appears distressed in these scenes, raising questions about what led the team to this dangerous place. Neither Vex nor Percy appear with the group in the hellish realm, fueling fan speculation about possible storylines separating the party.
Splitting the party is a common tale element in fantasy stories and role-playing games. It allows characters to pursue multiple goals but leaves them vulnerable without the full team for backup. The trailer seems to play with this tension and uncertainty around what challenges the missing teammates might face alone.
A brief shot also has longtime fans buzzing – around the 28 second mark, a character resembling Critical Role Dungeon Master and voice actor Matt Mercer makes a cameo. His potential appearance in the show could be an fun Easter egg.
Amongst the dangers, the trailer also shows lighter moments of character development, such as Keyleth and Vax sharing a romantic kiss. As the series expands its rich fantasy world in the new season, it continues attracting both new viewers and those already invested in the show’s tabletop roots. Fans won’t want to miss the promising combination of epic adventure, character drama, and infernal quests when season three premieres in 2024.