The crime-comedy “Riff Raff” premiered today at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), where it is generating significant buzz. Featuring respected actors like Bill Murray, Pete Davidson, and Jennifer Coolidge, the film showcases a family coping with criminal threats during a winter getaway.
Directed by Dito Montiel, the movie tells the story of Vincent, a former criminal trying to live peacefully. While taking his son DJ and wife Sandy on a cabin trip, Vincent’s estranged son Rocco unexpectedly arrives with girlfriend Marina and Vincent’s ex-wife Ruth. They warn that notorious gangsters named Leftie and Lonnie are pursuing the family.
Vincent and his loved ones must now deal with the unwanted guests as well as the looming danger posed by the criminal figures. In addition to Murray and Davidson, the diverse cast filling out these roles includes Gabrielle Union, Lewis Pullman, Miles J. Harvey, and Emanuela Postacchini.
The film is produced by Noah Rothman’s Canopy Media Partners and Marc Goldberg and Sarah Gabriel’s Signature Films, with Adam Paulsen’s FirstGen Content also involved. Distribution rights in international markets were secured by Signature Entertainment, while Roadside Attractions has North American rights but has yet to announce a release date.
Early reactions to “Riff Raff” will be closely watched given its high-profile cast and blend of comedy and suspense. TIFF provides the movie with a notable premiere platform to gain attention. How audiences and critics respond could influence the film’s commercial performance moving forward.
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