Prime Video has given the greenlight to a new series based on the hit show “Reacher.” The untitled spinoff will focus on the character of Frances Neagley, portrayed by Maria Sten in “Reacher” season two. Neagley is a private investigator and former member of the 110 Special Investigators, just like her friend and colleague Jack Reacher.
The story will follow Neagley as she investigates the suspicious death of a close friend from her past. Using the skills she gained from her military experience and time working with Reacher, Neagley sets out to uncover a potential threat. Nick Santora and Nicholas Wootton will serve as co-showrunners and executive producers of the series. Both writers worked on the original “Reacher” show.
Vernon Sanders, head of television for Amazon MGM Studios, expressed enthusiasm for expanding the “Reacher” universe. He said the Neagley character spinoff was “an easy decision” due to the success of the original series. Sanders highlighted the creative team and production partners, Skydance Television and CBS Studios, believing they will maintain the quality storytelling of “Reacher.”
Maria Sten said she is “beyond thrilled” to further develop Neagley’s background. Sten noted Neagley has an “somewhat mysterious” past that the new series will explore. Authors Lee Child was also praised for creating complex supporting characters like Neagley.
An air date has not been set for the untitled Neagley spinoff. However, the greenlight shows Prime Video’s commitment to building on “Reacher’s” popularity. Both series will enjoy the same high production values through the existing studio partners. Fans can anticipate more action, investigations, and character development in the expanded “Reacher” world.