Nearly two decades after the hit family sitcom “Malcolm in the Middle” ended, performers Frankie Muniz and Bryan Cranston maintain a close, supportive friendship that developed during the show’s run.
Muniz, who played the major character Malcolm, recently revealed details about his ongoing friendship with Cranston. The experienced actor visits Muniz every few weeks to show real interest in his life and work. “He cares about what I’m doing,” Muniz explained, emphasizing the depth of their relationship.
Their friendship began when Muniz was 11 or 12 years old and progressed from a professional cooperation to a profound mentoring. Muniz refers to Cranston as “essentially a Hollywood god” who has enormously succeeded in film and television.
Despite his great entertainment experiences, Muniz has other intentions for his three-year-old son, Mauz. Given the industry’s difficult nature, he indicated unequivocally that he would not urge his child to pursue a Hollywood career.
“I know so many people, friends close to me, that had such insanely negative experiences,” Muniz told me. While noting that his experience was “100 percent positive,” he is aware of the potential obstacles that performers encounter, particularly constant rejection.
Muniz is now focused on his NASCAR racing career but has contacts in the entertainment industry. Cranston supports Muniz by attending his races and performances, proving that their friendship extends beyond their on-screen relationship.
The ongoing partnership between Muniz and Cranston exemplifies the supporting side of Hollywood mentorship, demonstrating that significant connections may exist during an actor’s early years in the industry.