Netflix has announced the creation of Troll 2, the sequel to its globally acclaimed Norwegian monster movie, which will be released in 2025. The news follows the original film’s success, which enthralled international audiences and broke streaming records.
The first Troll film, which aired in December 2022, was a watershed moment for Netflix. It grossed an incredible 103 million views and became the platform’s most-watched non-English language film. Roar Uthaug, who developed the concept over two decades, will return to direct the sequel.
The film will have a new ensemble cast, including Sara Khorami, Jon Ketil Johnsen, and Gard B. Eidsvold. While precise narrative details remain unknown, the original film’s idea revolved around a huge 150-foot troll rising in the Norwegian highlands and destroying the country’s capital.
“The first film deliberately left room for further exploration,” said producer Kristian Strand Sinkerud, who had previously hinted at a possible sequel. The original film thrilled critics, receiving a 90% Rotten Tomatoes rating and demonstrating the global audience’s desire for culturally unique monster myths.
Netflix’s choice is consistent with its goal of promoting international film productions that attract significant viewer attention. The platform has recently approved sequels to other popular international titles, such as the French horror film Under Paris and the Spanish dystopian thriller The Platform.
Troll 2 will join Netflix’s eclectic 2025 foreign schedule, which includes the third season of the Korean comedy Alice in Borderland, the second season of the Brazilian crime drama Criminal Code, and the Argentine series The Eternaut.
The sequel promises to build on the original film’s success, demonstrating the capacity of multinational storytelling to capture worldwide viewers’ imaginations.