Silent Hill fans eagerly awaiting the launch of “Silent Hill: Ascension,” a unique take on the classic horror series, have a date to mark on their calendars: Halloween itself, October 31. However, while the anticipation builds for this interactive streaming experience, there’s a significant hitch for European fans.
The news of the Halloween launch was confirmed after the Google Play store page for Silent Hill: Ascension was updated, setting the release date as October 31. This interactive series developed by Genvid offers a distinctive gameplay approach where players collectively make decisions that impact the unfolding events.
Think of it as akin to “Until Dawn,” but with thousands of players contributing to the decision-making process. It’s a novel concept, but it comes with a significant challenge for European fans.
The problem arises from the fact that the series kicks off at 9 pm Eastern Time (ET), which translates to 2 am in the UK. This late start time poses a dilemma for European players, especially considering that Halloween falls on a school night this year.
The natural question arises: How can European players participate when the timing seems impractical? Jacob Navok, CEO of Genvid, took to Twitter to address this concern. However, the need for this clarification hints at potential design issues within the game.
According to Navok, “all choices are available at minimum 24 hours in advance, and important decisions can be made several days in advance. You do not need to be there live.”
Essentially, the interactive “live” series isn’t entirely live, with only the cutscenes qualifying as live content. Even then, there are aspects that are exclusively available during the live sessions. Navok explained that they established a rule early in production, ensuring that any decisions altering the story’s outcome could be made asynchronously.
Unfortunately, this means that European players won’t truly experience the live aspects of the game. While they can watch video-on-demand (VOD) versions and continue making decisions, it’s not quite the same as participating in real-time.
However, despite this timing issue, Silent Hill fans can still look forward to other upcoming projects like “Silent Hill F” and “Townfall” to satisfy their horror cravings.
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