In a stunning announcement during this week’s State of Play, Sony revealed the upcoming addition to the Metro 2033 series, titled “Metro Awakening VR.” This new venture into the world of virtual reality, exclusively for PSVR2, marks a significant evolution for the Metro franchise, known for its immersive storytelling and intense gameplay.
The reveal trailer gave fans a tantalizing glimpse of what’s to come. In true Metro series fashion, players can expect a heart-pounding journey through a post-apocalyptic Soviet landscape, filled with dark tunnels, desolate underground stations, and a host of dangers including mutants, monsters, and hostile humans. The VR format promises to plunge players even deeper into this eerie, survival-focused world.
The Metro series, inspired by Dmitry Glukhovsky’s novel “Metro 2033,” has been a staple in the first-person shooter genre since its debut on the Xbox 360 and PS3. With acclaimed titles like “Metro 2033,” “Metro Last Light,” and “Metro Exodus,” the series has continually evolved, blending elements of survival horror, sandbox, and shooter gameplay.
“Metro Exodus” was particularly well-received, with many praising its balance of horror, exploration, and storytelling. This latest entry, “Metro Awakening VR,” aims to take the series’ hallmark immersion to new heights.
Leading the development of “Metro Awakening VR” is Vertigogames, a studio with a strong portfolio in virtual reality gaming, including titles like “Arizona Sunshine,” “After the Fall,” and “The 7th Guest VR.” Their expertise in crafting engaging VR experiences bodes well for this new chapter in the Metro narrative.
With the advanced capabilities of PSVR2, “Metro Awakening VR” is poised to be not just a thrilling gaming experience but also a visual spectacle, setting a new benchmark for virtual reality gaming. While a release date hasn’t been announced yet, the combination of a beloved franchise and cutting-edge VR technology has certainly set the gaming community abuzz with anticipation.