The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is set to expand further with the much-anticipated third Deadpool movie. This installment promises to reintroduce the fan-favorite Merc with a Mouth, while also featuring the iconic Wolverine. The prospect of these beloved characters, now under Marvel’s complete control, sharing screen space is undeniably thrilling.
Deadpool 3 carries high expectations as it marks the official MCU debut of Deadpool and Wolverine, characters whose rights were previously held outside Marvel. This film is poised to act as a bridge between the MCU’s Phase 5 and 6, and intriguingly, it might also form a connection with past phases.
Connecting Deadpool 3 with the MCU’s Infinity Saga
It may seem unlikely, but speculation suggests that Deadpool 3 could ingeniously tie into the MCU’s Infinity Saga. Let’s delve into the details of how this connection might take shape.
Even though the Infinity Saga concluded years ago, recent fan theories propose that Deadpool’s next adventure could establish a remarkable link with the MCU’s inaugural saga.
Given the multitude of potential Marvel Comics storylines that could inspire Deadpool 3, coupled with the unknown plot of the forthcoming movie, it’s hard to predict the franchise’s exact course. However, it’s confirmed that the film will feature Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, along with other characters like Al, Dopinder, and Vanessa Carlysle.
Adding fuel to the speculative fire, there are rumors about Josh Brolin’s potential involvement in the film, either reprising his role as Cable or possibly even the Mad Titan, Thanos. Some theories suggest that Thanos could make a comeback in Deadpool 3.
A Hilarious Link through Thanos and Death
Although there’s no official confirmation about Thanos’ return, the opportunity to create a laugh-out-loud link between Deadpool 3 and the Infinity Saga exists, thanks to Marvel Comics lore. In the comics, Thanos was infamously infatuated with Death, and in a bid to impress her, aimed to obliterate half of the universe.
You might be wondering, “What does this have to do with Deadpool?” Interestingly, in the comics, Deadpool also had romantic feelings for Death, brought about by his near-death experiences.
The humorous twist in this connection lies in Thanos’ jealousy-fueled reaction. At one point, the Mad Titan, envious and enraged, curses Deadpool with immortality to prevent him from ever reuniting with Death.
This narrative, with its perfect blend of epic and comic elements, fits the bill for a Deadpool movie, given the character’s signature humor and personality. Deadpool would likely take the opportunity to ridicule the Mad Titan.
If Marvel chooses to adapt this peculiar Deadpool-Thanos connection, it could result in an amusing link between Deadpool 3 and the Infinity Saga. The third installment of Merc with a Mouth, tied hilariously to the Infinity saga, could be just the narrative twist the MCU fans are waiting for.