Renowned director Shawn Levy, known for blockbusters like the Night at the Museum trilogy, is venturing into a galaxy far, far away with an undisclosed Star Wars project. In a revealing new interview, Levy discussed his plans to craft a story unlike any other in the iconic franchise’s history.
Speaking with podcast host Josh Horowitz, Levy expressed his desire to break new ground rather than retread familiar eras. “There’s only so many times that Star Wars movies can revisit the same section of the timeline,” Levy stated. His comments suggest the film will depart from the well-trodden Skywalker Saga that has defined the property for decades.
Levy aims to push creative boundaries by delving into uncharted areas of the expansive Star Wars timeline. “I really wanted something that felt organic to me in tone and characters,” he explained, hinting at exploring classic themes through a fresh lens.
This aligns with Lucasfilm’s growing strategy of expanding the mythos by venturing beyond the saga’s bookends. Like forthcoming projects like The Acolyte, Levy’s mystery film signals a franchise unafraid to get adventurous as it charts new sectors of the galaxy.
As the guardians of George Lucas’ vision, Disney and Lucasfilm appear committed to guiding Star Wars in daring directions. With a filmmaker of Levy’s caliber now at the helm, fans can surely look forward to an experience that rockets to the far reaches of the Star Wars universe.