In the intense world of “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon,” a gripping spinoff series from the iconic franchise, the enmity between two central characters, Daryl Dixon and Codron, continues to intensify. Romain Levi, the actor portraying Codron, recently shed light on why these two characters can never become allies, citing a pivotal event in the series that set them on a collision course.
The rift between Daryl and Codron was born in the very first episode of the spinoff when Daryl tragically killed Codron’s brother. This act of violence triggered a relentless pursuit by the Pouvoir Guerrier, with Codron at the helm, determined to avenge his brother’s death. Since then, the two have clashed multiple times, with Daryl consistently managing to evade Codron’s vengeance.
Levi, in an interview with Collider, delved into the emotional turmoil that prevents any possibility of reconciliation between the two characters. He emphasized the profound impact of Daryl’s actions on Codron, explaining that forgiving someone in such a situation would require accepting the irreparable loss of a beloved brother. Codron’s brother had been not only a family member but an integral part of Codron’s identity, making forgiveness an elusive prospect.
Levi stated, “What happened between Daryl and his brother, it’s not easy for Codron to forgive or be respectful. In a way, to forgive someone is to accept what happened, and Codron doesn’t accept the situation. His brother was a part of himself, really, and Codron will never be the same after that.
His brother was the only human being that he was very close to. And what would his brother think if Codron were friends with Daryl? I’m not sure he’d be so happy about that. So, I won’t say yes, he can or no, he can’t because it’s not so easy in this situation.”
As the series unfolds, Codron’s thirst for revenge against Daryl only intensifies. Seeking assistance, he approaches Genet, the leader of the Pouvoir, to gather a group of soldiers dedicated to avenging his brother’s death. Genet, too, harbors a deep-seated hatred for Daryl, stemming from Daryl’s destruction of vital research on one of the Pouvoir’s ships before the events of the series.
Intriguingly, Codron’s new faction within “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” is equally committed to Daryl’s demise. Even if Codron’s allegiances were to change, he remains bound by orders to eliminate Daryl. Furthermore, he may be tasked with killing Laurent, as Genet desires the young boy’s demise due to the optimism he brings to the Union of Hope. Should Codron succeed in this grim mission, it would only drive a deeper wedge between him and Daryl.
However, there is a glimmer of hope for a shift in Codron’s motivations. The trailer for “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” hints at a pivotal moment where Codron holds Laurent at gunpoint.
Whether he will go through with this act remains uncertain, but it could be the catalyst for Codron to reconsider his relentless pursuit of revenge. Perhaps, in realizing the darkness he would descend into by harming a child, Codron may choose to halt his vendetta against Daryl, not for his sake but for Laurent’s.
As the first season of the series hurtles towards its climax, the fate of Daryl and Codron remains uncertain. With Daryl and Laurent managing to escape Paris in episode 4, the possibilities are wide open, and fans are eagerly anticipating the next explosive developments in this gripping tale of vengeance and survival in a post-apocalyptic world.
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