In a thrilling collaboration, the renowned video game character Alan Wake is set to become the newest playable Survivor in the popular horror game, Dead By Daylight. This crossover, announced by Behavior Interactive, is a testament to the growing trend of merging different gaming universes to create unique gaming experiences.
On January 30, Dead By Daylight players will be able to experience the game through the eyes of Alan Wake, a character known for his adventures in the realm of psychological thrillers. Currently, gamers can try out his character in a time-limited public test server on Steam, providing a sneak peek into what this collaboration entails.
A recently released trailer offers a glimpse into Alan Wake’s transition into the Dead By Daylight universe. The scene portrays him typing on his typewriter in the eerie Dark Place, only to find himself written into the spine-chilling world of Dead By Daylight, facing the game’s notorious cosmic embodiment of evil, The Entity.
Alan Wake brings with him a set of distinctive perks that align with his character’s traits from his original series. One of his key perks is ‘Champion of Light,’ granting him increased speed when equipped with a flashlight and the ability to hinder a Killer’s movement upon successful blinding. His ‘Illumination’ Boon allows Survivors within range of his totem to see the locations of chests and generators, a strategic advantage in the game’s tense atmosphere.
Furthermore, Alan’s ‘Deadline’ perk activates when he is injured. This perk increases the frequency of Skill Checks during repair or healing tasks and reduces the penalty for missed checks, adding a layer of resilience to his character.
This crossover is not the first of its kind for Dead By Daylight, a game known for bringing iconic characters from various horror franchises into its fold. Previously, the game has seen crossovers with characters like Silent Hill’s Pyramid Head and multiple characters from the Resident Evil series. This blend of horror universes enriches the gaming experience, offering players new and diverse ways to engage with their favorite characters.