Game of Thrones, the epic series that aired on HBO for eight seasons, left a lasting impact on the careers of Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. Both actors had the opportunity to work on the show, and it was there that they first met. Now, they are reunited in the highly-anticipated adaptation of the hit video game, The Last of Us.
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Pascal and Ramsey delved into the ways in which their roles in Game of Thrones influenced their portrayals of Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us.
Pascal, who played Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones, explained that his character’s fierce determination and sense of justice were traits he drew on when bringing Joel to life. Similarly, Ramsey, who played Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones, spoke about how her character’s fierce spirit and leadership qualities informed her portrayal of Ellie.
It’s clear that both actors have a deep understanding of the characters they are playing, and that their experiences on Game of Thrones have played a significant role in shaping their performances in The Last of Us. It’s going to be exciting to see how these actors bring these characters to life in the upcoming TV series.
Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey have both had the privilege of playing iconic roles in the beloved HBO series, Game of Thrones.
For Pascal, it was the role of Prince Oberyn Martell, also known as the Red Viper, who arrived in King’s Landing from Dorne in the fourth season of the series. Ramsey, on the other hand, joined the cast a little later, as Lyanna Mormont, the Lady of Bear Island, in season six.
Now, the two actors are reunited in the upcoming adaptation of the hit video game, The Last of Us, where Pascal plays Joel and Ramsey plays Ellie.
They both shared in an interview with Entertainment Weekly how working together in Game of Thrones had helped them to come together as a family, despite not having known each other before working in The Last of Us.
They both found a common ground through their love for the fans, which brought them together before they bonded with each other.
Ramsey, in particular, shared how Game of Thrones had been instrumental in her career as an actress. “I don’t think I’d get into acting if it wasn’t for Game of Thrones, because I never set out to do it, and then it happened,” she said. “So he prepared me for The Last of Us and all my other projects, in a way that I don’t think anything else can.”
It’s clear that both actors have a deep appreciation for the impact that Game of Thrones had on their careers, and it’s exciting to see them come together again in this new venture and bringing their characters to life in the new HBO Max series, The Last of Us.
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