Circana, formerly known as the NPD Group, conducted a PlayerPulse study revealing a significant increase in female gamers across the United States. The report, published in April 2023, challenges age-old stereotypes by showcasing the growing numbers of women embracing gaming.
According to the study, an impressive 47% of console gamers in the US are women. Notably, the Nintendo Switch emerges as the most popular console for the demographic, with 52% of female ownership. Xbox Series X|S follows with 45% female ownership, while PS5 has 41%.
Breaking Stereotypes: Women Thriving in PC and Mobile Gaming
The survey further highlights that women make up 50% of PC video game players and 54% of mobile game players. These statistics challenge the long-standing narrative that women are a minority in the gaming audience, debunking this misconception that has persisted for years.
Circana takes a comprehensive approach in conducting its research. Executive Director Mat Piscatella clarified the demographics of the sample pool and the data collection methodology on Twitter. The study involved sampling over 10,000 households with participants over the age of 13, ensuring a diverse and representative population.
To address any biases or errors, Circana implements a weighting system for each monthly dataset based on platform use and investment distributions. The company relies on aggregated, cross-product samples and updates its data quarterly to reflect market shifts accurately.
A Consistent Trend in Gaming
Circana’s survey aligns with previous reports that also highlight the rising number of female gamers, including a study by the ESA last year. The consistent findings confirm that women’s interest in gaming continues to grow, establishing their influential presence within the gaming community.
The increasing number of female gamers demonstrates the importance of embracing diversity and inclusivity within the gaming industry. As women continue to shape the gaming landscape, it is essential to celebrate their contributions and provide opportunities for their voices to be heard. The thriving female gaming community enriches the gaming experience for all, fostering a more vibrant and diverse gaming culture.