In honor of the 30th anniversary of the beloved animated film “The Lion King,” Disney is bringing together a star-studded cast for a special live-to-film concert event at the Hollywood Bowl on May 24-25.
The “Disney’s The Lion King 30th Anniversary – A Live-to-Film Concert Event” will feature a full orchestra and choir performing the Oscar-winning score composed by Hans Zimmer, conducted by Sarah Hicks. But the real draw will be the array of talent taking the stage to lend their voices to the iconic musical numbers written by Elton John and Tim Rice.
Representing the original 1994 animated film will be Jeremy Irons, who voiced the villainous Scar, as well as Nathan Lane (Timon), Ernie Sabella (Pumbaa), and Jason Weaver (Young Simba). Bridging the gap to the 2019 live-action remake, Billy Eichner will reprise his role as Timon, while Broadway’s Simba, Bradley Gibson, will also be featured.
Adding a new element to the proceedings is the inclusion of Jennifer Hudson, who has not previously been associated with any of the “Lion King” incarnations. However, given her powerful vocal talents – she famously performed “The Circle of Life” during her breakout on “American Idol” – it’s a safe bet she’ll be lending her voice to that signature opening number.
“Disney’s The Lion King 30th Anniversary – A Live-to-Film Concert Event” will also draw inspiration from the long-running Broadway adaptation of the story, with the production incorporating costumes, set designs, and puppetry from the stage show.
“It would seem likely similar plans might be in the offing for May’s ‘Lion King’ anniversary concerts, although no filming intentions have been announced,” the article notes, hinting at the potential for the event to be captured for a future Disney+ release, much like the company’s previous concert specials.
Tickets for the two-night engagement will go on sale to the general public this Friday, April 19th, at 10 a.m. PT via Ticketmaster. American Express cardholders will have access to a presale starting three days earlier.
With its unparalleled cast, iconic score, and immersive theatrical elements, this 30th anniversary celebration of “The Lion King” is poised to be a must-see event for fans of the Disney classic, both new and old.