Bollywood actress Ananya Panday takes on the leading role in the new Prime Video series “Call Me Bae.” The eight-episode drama series tells the true story of Bella “Bae” Chowdhary, a wealthy socialite who unexpectedly loses everything and must learn to survive on her own in Mumbai.
The series follows Bae as she goes from living a life of luxury to facing major challenges. In the beginning, viewers see glimpses of Bae’s lavish lifestyle in New Delhi. She owns expensive cars, uses a private helicopter, and plans a fairy tale wedding. However, her world is turned upside down when her rich family disowns her. Now on her own, Bae must figure out how to live in Mumbai without money or connections.
Ananya Panday, known for roles in films like “Student of the Year 2,” said the complexity of Bae’s character and journey of self-discovery drew her to the role. Panday said “There is more to Bae than what meets the eye and that makes watching her transition from heiress to hustler so intriguing.” She added that “despite the hardships Bae faces, she stays true to herself with a positive spirit.”
Produced by Dharmatic Entertainment, “Call Me Bae” takes a new approach to the classic rags-to-riches story. Director Collin D’Cunha explained that watching someone adapt when “taken out of their element” makes for an engaging coming-of-age tale. He praised Panday’s performance as a strong-willed character audiences can relate to.
The series is slated for worldwide release on Prime Video on September 6. Viewers can look forward to an entertaining yet meaningful series about finding inner strength during life’s challenges. Bae’s transformation serves as an inspiration to overcome adversity.