Actress Jenna Ortega has opened up about the controversies and challenges she faced while filming the hit Netflix series “Wednesday.” Ortega plays the iconic character Wednesday Addams in the show, which became a global success when it was released late last year. In interviews at the time, Ortega had voiced criticism of some creative choices made during production of season one. She said there were times she would change her character’s lines without informing writers because she felt certain plot elements, like a potential love triangle, did not fit Wednesday’s personality.
These remarks sparked some backlash questioning her professionalism. However, Ortega now says she could have communicated her concerns in a more constructive manner. “Looking back, I realize I may have used stronger language than needed to express how I felt,” Ortega acknowledged in a recent interview. She maintains her critiques came from a place of passion for properly portraying her character. Ortega emphasized the importance of open dialogue between actors and writers.
The actress also discussed how advice from her cello instructor on set helped build her confidence. He encouraged her to approach difficulties with the self-assuredness of “the average white man,” a mindset Ortega says helped her push past doubts. She continues to draw on this guidance as her career advances.
Production is now underway on season two of “Wednesday.” According to Ortega, upcoming episodes will shift the focus more towards horror and action instead of romantic relationships. Most original cast members are returning, and notable additions like Thandiwe Newton and Christopher Lloyd have joined. Ortega remains booked with high-profile film projects as well, including roles in “Scream 6” and next year’s “Beetlejuice” sequel. Through it all, her commitment to growth and passionate work ethic continue to drive her success.